La Plata County has obtained more than $4.5 million in state and federal grants to offset the cost of flood mitigation projects to prevent future flooding from the 416 Fire. Find out more.
Make your own jewelry, feel some fossils, gawk at geodes at the 66th annual Four Corners Gem and Mineral Show scheduled for July 12-14. Learn what will be available on display and for sale.
When a Durango couple sold their tricked-out camping van online, they knew they had a winning idea for a business. See how they custom-outfit cargo vans into comfy camping and traveling vehicles.
Annie’s Orphans will host its annual Pawsta for Pups dinner to raise revenues for her no-kill dog shelter. The shelter also cares for dogs whose military moms and dads are deployed overseas.
San Juan Regional Medical Center recently earned certification as a Baby Friendly Hospital. The program, established by UNICEF and WHO, encourages breast-feeding and bonding right after birth.
Brad Tafoya with Tafoya Barrett & Associates recommends that all taxpayers double-check their federal withholding taxes so that you don’t get caught with a surprise bill next year.
A local pilot is now offering tours of the San Juan Mountains in his Piper Comanche. Learn where he flies, why he’s doing it, and how you can sign up for your own tour from a bird’s eye view!
The Small Business Development Center of Southwest Colorado will host its 10th annual Women’s Small Business Conference on July 18 at the Sky Ute Casino. Find out more about workshops and speakers.
Two long-time falconers want to share their love of birds of prey while educating the public about disappearing habitat for raptors during a demonstration and show at the Fairgrounds.
When you’re losing weight, you may lose muscle mass as well as fat. Dr. Ashley Lucas, founder of PHD Weight Loss, explains why you should eat protein and how much.
How do you measure the worth of energy-efficiency projects? You can reduce your energy bills, and you can increase your comfort level. Both are worthy goals to cut energy usage.
Local News Network Durango starts a new feature this month in partnership with Alpine Bank to highlight local entrepreneurs. Our first edition features the winner of the Hawk Tank competition at Fort Lewis College
In the vernacular of the Animas Mosquito District, flyers are mature, adult mosquitoes that pester us with their biting. AMCD controls populations before they mature.
High water on the Animas River has created the best rafting season in more than 10 years, and it’s opened parts of the river south of Durango that’s rarely passable.
The Durango-La Plata County Airport welcomed non-stop Saturday flights to Houston and Chicago earlier this month. The flights allow airlines to test the market for new routes.
Lower temperatures this past weekend slowed the snowmelt in the high country, but area rivers remain full. Flood advisories remain effect with water content at 1,000% over median.
This 8.5-million-pound rock that fell on Colorado Highway 145 on the Friday of Memorial Day Weekend will be called Memorial Rock and will remain where it is; so will the highway.
When the Colorado National Guard engineering unit relocated to Montrose, the armory building reverted to La Plata County’s ownership. Now it will become the new Sheriff’s Office.
The Coulon Family raise fish to harvest the nutrient rich water they produce, and they use the water to produce 100 percent organic vegetables all year in their greenhouse.
If dietary fats can help you lose weight, which fats are best for your weight-loss goals? Dr. Ashley Lucas, founder of PHD Weight Loss, offers some tips on choosing the right fats.