As the Durango City Council considers new amendments to curb camping by homeless residents on city property, the ACLU sends a second warning letter about the possible unconstitutionality of the changes.
La Plata County has applied for more than $4 million in Watershed Restoration Funding to repair flood damage from the 416 Fire.
After spending 10 years in temporary quarters that ranged from a commercial office complex to manufactureed buildings, Animas High School is ready to build a permanent campus.
With one of the best voter turnouts during a mid-term election in La Plata County history, this year's races demonstrated that every vote counts.
LPEA hires two conultants to explore the ramifications of terminating its contract with Tri-State Generation and Transmission and to explore alternatives to coal-fired power.
Winter closures to protect wintering deer and elk beging Dec. 1. Check out this story and our map to see what's open and closed this winter.
When everyone shares, no one goes without. That's the principle behind Pine River Shares of Bayfield, where neighbors can help feed, clothe, and teach each other self-sufficiency.
Learn how diabetes can affect your eyesight if you don't keep your blood-sugar under control.
The third-grade Demons Football Team finished the season undefeated after they beat the Farmington Crush in the 'Superbowl' of the Four Corners Youth Football League. Here about the hard work that won the championship.
Make the most of your end-of-year donations during Colorado Gives Day. A foundation will match up to $1 million for all donations made on Dec. 4. Visit
CJ Fuss tells us how me makes the ice for the ice-skating rink. It takes a lot more than flooding a bunch of concrete with the garden hose. And just HOW does he get the ice so white?
Construction has started on a $5.1 milion pipeline to bring reliable, potable water to Dryside residents. It’s the first delivery of Animas-La Plata Project water to the area.
Daniel Clute is a world traveler who likes funky hotels. And fancy hotels, too. He just likes establishments that capture the character of a town, and that’s what he wants for Silverton’s Avon Hotel.
How to prepare for changes in the new tax laws.
Learn how you can sign up for outage alerts with La Plata Electric
Colder-than-average weather for November has been perfect for making snow. Purgatory will open on Saturday, Nov. 17. Find out what will be open and how much it will cost to ski.
The annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be offered once again this year. Check out our story for details and learn how to volunteer for this well-attended event.
La Plata County voters voted blue in almost all national, state and local races. The race for County Commissioner was the exception, and even that race is too close to call until election results are certified on Nov. 14.
More than 400 people and organizations received assistance from the Community Emergency Relief Fund. _
E-bikes were allowed on the Animas River Trail for a one-year trial period. Now, the City Council must consider whether to allow them permanently.