Want to make a bunch of new business contacts fast? Join the Professional Women's Network of Durango for a speed networking event.
You don't have to twist yourself into exotic yoga positions to take care of your spine. Just do what your mother told you to do . . .
Life on the range minding the cattle was a lonely profession, and a dangerous one. Cowboy poetry grew out of those experiences, and Durango celebrates the folk tradition for the 30th year this year.
An Animas Valley Elementary students is one of 50 children selected nationwide to be treated to a free trip to Disney World on behalf of the Kidd's Kids Foundation.
LPEA's Mike Dreyspring shares tips for reducing energy consumption during the cold winter months.
Pat Barrett with Tafoya Barrett & Associates offers advice for figuring how much debt you should assume to obtain your college degree.
We talk with one local industry expert who gives us his take on the future of natural gas extraction in La Plata County.
Durango Police hope that recording interactions with the public will help diffuse tense situations and will give the public more confidence in their professionalism.
Floods that followed the 416 Fire caused more than $5 million in damages. Fortunately, financial help is on the way, it's just going to take a while.
Zoning adds predictability to the land-use approval process and allows the commissioners to make more cost-effective decisions about where to spend revenues on services. But are we ready to adopt zoning?
Should you be tested for prostate cancer? That depends . . .
Find out what new events are scheduled for this year's Parade of Homes.
4CORE recently sponsored an electric car expo to spark interest in emission-less driving. See what electric-car owners have to say.
A new, walk-in resource center for veterans opens this month in Bodo Industrial Park.
The annual Kiwanis Pancake Day serves up all-you-can-eat breakfast all day long on September 20.
Purgatory Resort opened its long-awaited coaster, and resort officials are touting it as the longest and steepest in the country.
Enjoy a free lunch on the La Plata Electric Association and get a look at the inner workings of the cooperative.
Durango and Silverton businesses and non-profits are eligible for economic disaster loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration.
If you own your own home, but can't afford to repair or mitigate the flood damage following the 416 Fire, you may find help with a loan from Housing Solutions of the Southwest.
Enjoy a cocktail while shopping for fresh produce, flowers and other goods at the new Animas City Farmers Market.