The City of Durango recently surveyed residents to gauge their support of a proposed tax increase to cover budget and maintenance shortfalls.
As difficult as it may be to see trout killed by the debris flows from the 416 burn areas, there will be a silver lining.
Flames from the 416 Fire burned within feet of homes in the Falls Creek Subdivision, but significant mitigation efforts to clear oak brush and trees gave firefighters the 'fighting chance' they needed to save every structure in the area.
The new Pine River Brewfest is on tap Aug. 4 in Bayfield. Learn about the beverages, music, and kids activities that will be part of the fun.
Find out what steps the La Plata Electric Association is taking to save our furry and feathered friends from dangerous electrical equipment.
The Durango Fire Protection Authority shows us how firefighters prepare to attack a wildland fire.
Find it difficult to plan for your financial future? Brad Tafoya with Tafoya Barrett and Associates knows how to inspire a change in your financial planning.
Southwest Colorado non-profits should profit from the Rural Philanthropy Days Conference schedule for September.
The Durango Train vows to find alternatives to its coal-fired steam engines to prevent closures during drought years.
A new pedal-assisted electric-bike rental company takes a stab at serving customers, despite uncertainty of City of Durango trail policies.
Artist Paul Folwell celebrates his 25th annual studio show, but this year, it's not at his studio. It's at the Rochester Hotel. Find out why.
Potential flash flooding and heavy debris flow from burned areas in the 416 Fire prompts pre-evacuation notices for more than 300 homes.
Forest service crews are beginning the long process of healing scars left by the construction of firelines that slowed the 416 Fire.
The City of Durango has established a temporary location for a homeless camp just below Greenmount Cemetery, but their ultimate fate remains up in the air.
A new Farmer-in-Training Program at the Old Fort Farm in Hesperus is helping to create the next generation of farmers.
Now that BP is moving from its headquarters near the La Plata County Airport, a giant office building just could be the perfect location for the new national headquarters for the Bureau of Land Management.
A new electrical fencing system installed at LPEA transformers should prevent critters from causing expensive power outages.
San Juan Regional Medical Center goes beyond tolerance or respect for differences. Reverence for each and every individual is part of its mission, and it's one way the hospital supports healing.
The La Plata County Humane Society housed more than a 130 pets whose owners were evacuated, and the community stepped up to help.
Durango has been named No. 4 on Budget Travel's “Coolest Small Town” list.