Stay Up to Date on Seasonal Vaccines

December 04, 2024

All are invited to the Third Anual Round Dance and Native American Arts Market Saturday, Dec. 7. The event, presented by 9-R Native American Education and Native American Parental Advisory Council, will take place from 12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. at Durango High School. Come learn about the traditional dance and support local Native artists! Cold and flu season is firmly here, so it’s time to make sure that you and your loved ones are up to date on vaccines for the seasonal flu, COVID-19 boosters, and RSV. Make sure to consult with your primary health provider to see what ones are right for you and your family - and take advantage of La Plata County Public Health’s free and low-cost vaccine clinics. Visit Durango announced a proposal to merge with the City of Durango at the end of November. The proposed merger is intended to help further the mission of continually improving both the tourism experience as well as quality of life for Durango residents. The City of Durango will take over management of the downtown Welcome Conter in January as part of the merger. By Hannah Robertson. This story is sponsored by FLC Center for Innovation and Serious Texas BBQ.

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xzEveryone is invited to the 3rd Annual Round Dance in native American arts market, Saturday, December 7th at Durango High School, presented by the 9-R Native American Education and Native American Parental Advisory Council. Learn about the traditional dance and support local indigenous artists at the event. With winter settling in, La Plata County Public Health Department recommends making sure you and your family are up to date on all recommended vaccinations, including flu, RSV, and COVID-19. And at the end of November, Visit Durango proposed a merger with the city of Durango to create a unified tourism and community development strategy. You're watching the Local News Roundup, brought to you by the FLC Center for Innovation and Serious Texas Bar-B-Q. I'm Sadie Smith. 9-R Native American Education and NAPAC. Present the 3rd Annual Round Dance in Native American Arts market on Saturday December 7th at Durango High School. View art from over 45 local indigenous artists, including Title VI students at one of the largest art markets within Durango city limits. With stands spread out between the cafeteria and Annex gym, starting at noon, the Round Dance will take place between 5:30 and 11:00 PM, and is open to all community members. A traditional dance among many Native American tribes, Round Dances often take place during the winter months and are a time of togetherness, offering opportunities to connect, share, and celebrate. The Round Dance is a time to foster unity, celebrate cultural heritage, and strengthen community bonds. At the end of November, Visit Durango proposed a merger with the city of Durango with the aim of creating a unified tourism and community development strategy. The proposal emphasized the collaborative nature between the city and Visit Durango, and will offer the opportunity to review programming to provide continued focus on the local tourism economy, balanced with quality of life for local residents. There is no formal deadline for the merger, but a formal proposal is expected to be presented for approval in either January or February of 2025. Visit Durango and the city of Durango will work on a transition plan over the next couple of months, and the city will take over management of the Welcome Center beginning January 1st. Cold and flu season is ramping up with holidays, travel, and the cold weather. Protect your loved ones and the community by making sure you and yours are up to date on all recommended vaccinations. Everyone ages six and older should get a seasonal flu vaccine and the updated 2024/25 COVID-19 vaccination. RSV vaccinations are recommended for all adults over the age of 75, people who are in weeks 32 through 36 of pregnancy, infants younger than eight months, entering their first RSV season in older infants, children and adults aged 60 to 74, who are at risk of a severe RSV infection. RSV vaccines are not seasonal at this time. So if you have already received the vaccine, you do not currently need another. Make sure to check with your healthcare provider to see what immunizations are right for you and your family. La Plata County Public Health Department is offering low, no-cost in health insurance coverage vaccines to help everyone get the immunizations they need this cold and flu season. Learn more about these and other stories at Thank you for watching this edition of the Local News Roundup. I'm Sadie Smith.


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