Congressional Candidate Wants to Bring Sanity Back to Congress


Archuleta County resident Marina Zimmerman says she wants to bring sanity back to the Republican Party and to Congress as a candidate for the Third Congressional District seat in the House of Representatives. Sponsored by TruWest Auto and Happy Pappy’s Pizza and Wings

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She's been an industrial construction crane operator, a concrete business owner, paralegal, and mom. Now Archuleta County resident marina Zimmerman wants to be the next representative for the third congressional district in Southwest Colorado. You're watching the Local News Network brought to you by TrueWest auto and Happy Pappy's pizza and wings. I'm Wendy Graham settle, marina Zimmerman calls herself a sane Republican, and she wants to bring back sanity and statesmanship to the party and to Congress.

The government's been, you know, getting more and more dysfunctional you know, over time. And I think discourse between elected officials has become so bitter and partisan that, you know, a lot of horrible or a lot of great relationships that are necessary for the, to good functioning government have been destroyed. And I think that left the door open for Trump and extremism. And now I feel like we have nothing. No good works. I think that we're all about, you know, they're all about Q and a conspiracy theories and mean-spirited political theater and we're getting nothing else. And I think it is degrading to our country. And I think we really need to try to move our country off of that destructive path. And I, I'm a conservative, I'm a Republican, but I, you know, I feel like I'm will call myself the sane, rational Republican. So I feel like it's a good time to jump in. And if we can get enough, you know, conservatives to, to run that are, that really care about this country and care about the people of this country, rather than all this other nonsense destructive nonsense. I think we can pull it back together. The Republican party and the country.

When Zimmerman first announced her intent to run in the Third Congressional Districts, Republican party, her opponent would have been incumbent Lauren Boebert. A first-term Rifle, Colorado representative who continues to espouse the belief that the 2020 elections were fraudulent, but in the latest iteration of Colorado's redistricting effort, based on 2020 data, Boebert will no longer live in the Third Congressional District. She will instead live in the redrawn second congressional District. That includes both Boebert's Garfield County and Boulder County. However, congressional representatives don't have to live in the district they represent. A final congressional map isn't expected to be approved until later this year. Nevertheless Zimmerman says she plans to run because she wants to bring back thoughtful discourse to Congress. And she says the cultural and social diversity of her experiences will serve her well. Zimmerman was born in Germany where her father was stationed in the US Air Force as an Air Force brat. She traveled throughout the world. And as a result says, she learned to embrace different cultures. Zimmerman adds that her work has given her an appreciation for differing political and social viewpoints from people from all walks of life.

We need to get back to the idea of competitive ideas, the concept of competitive ideas. That's what gives us our viable solutions to our problems. If you can't work together and you can't of course, ideologically there, people are different, but that's those lenses. That's those lenses that you look through that you, that gets you to come up with with the best ideas and the best solutions to the problems. And I just, I just really want to, you know, bring respectable governance back to, you know, CD3.

To learn more about Zimmerman and her platform. Visit to learn more about the redistricting program, visit Thanks for watching this edition of the Local News Network. I'm Wendy Graham Settle.


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