Bucking on the Rez, a short film by a Rocky Mountain PBS Journalist premieres at Fort Lewis College Submit your artwork for the 103rd Southern Tribal Ute fair logo contest And the Ignacio Community Library will offer free legal clinics. By Sadie Smith. This story is sponsored by Payroll Department and Crystal Mart.
Town of Ignacio - https://townofignacio.colorado.gov/
Rocky Mountain PBS - https://www.rmpbs.org/
Bucking on the Rez - https://www.rmpbs.org/events/BuckingOnTheRez
Fort Lewis College - https://www.fortlewis.edu/
Ignacio Community Library - https://www.ignaciolibrary.org/
Cultural Preservation Department - https://www.southernute-nsn.gov/cultural-preservation/
Southern Ute Logo Contest - https://www.sudrum.com/events/event/southern-ute-tribal-fair-logo-contest/
Payroll Department - https://payrolldept.biz/
Crystal Mart - https://www.downtowndurango.org/biz/crystal-mart
"Bucking on the Rez" will debut at Fort Lewis College, the Southern Ute Tribal Fair seeks entries for its logo contest, and the Ignacio Community Library will host free legal clinics. You're watching the Local News Network, brought to you by The Payroll Department and Crystal Mart. I'm Sadie Smith. Join Rocky Mountain PBS and Fort Lewis College on Wednesday, February 19th for the premiere of "Bucking on the Rez,", a film by Rocky Mountain PBS journalis, Ziyi Xu. The film follows Dine bull rider Kristal Puente as she saddles up to challenge sexism and adulthood in the world of bull riding on the Navajo Nation. After the screening, join filmmaker Ziyi Xu and bull rider Kristal Puente for a discussion and question and answer session moderated by Fort Lewis College Professor Candace Nadon. The event is free, with two showings at 5:00 and 7:00 PM in the Student Union Ballroom at Fort Lewis College. The Southern Ute Tribal Fair seeks entries for its 103rd annual logo contest. Open to all Southern Ute Tribal members, submissions are due by March 14th at 2025. Artists may submit one entry accompanied by a statement explaining the theme. Artwork must be no larger than 8 1/2 by 11 inches, and must include 103rd Southern Ute Tribal Fair within the design. A digital copy in PNG or PDF format is also required. Membership will vote for the winning design at the Southern Ute general meeting, and the winner will receive a cash prize. For more details, contact the Cultural Preservation Department. Need legal guidance? Every third Tuesday, the Ignacio Community Library hosts free legal clinics. Volunteer attorneys answer questions, help with forms, and explain civil legal procedures. The clinics provide information only. Attorneys do not represent participants. If you need legal representation, you are advised to seek an attorney of your choice. The next free legal clinic is on March 20th and space is limited, so sign up today. Learn more about these and other stories online at durangolocal.news. Thank you for watching this edition of the "Local News Roundup." I'm Sadie Smith.