Visceral Fat Explained

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That thick layer of fat around your belly is almost an independent organ that seems as if it never shrinks, no matter how much you diet. Learn what kinds of food you should eat to reduce that dangerous layer of fat. Sponsored by PHD Weight Loss

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You're watching healthy living brought to you by PHD Weight Loss and Nutrition, featuring Dr. Ashley Lucas.

At PHD Weight Loss and Nutrition, 95% of our clients achieve their optimal weight. And 85% who participate in our free long-term maintenance program, maintain their weight loss to within three pounds of their goal. Our program is multi-faceted, purposeful, and based on solid science, but the foundational premise of every strategy is to rid your body of all of the unwanted excess fat mass that you carry. Here's the deal, your belly fat acts like an independent entity in your body. It's hungry and all it wants to do is get fatter as fast as possible. It produces its own hormones to increase your hunger and cravings and to slow your metabolism. As a result, you gain weight easily and have difficulty dropping it. You lose your pep and desire to get things done even though, you know, you're not a lazy person. If you think you look good enough or feel good enough to quit your new fat busting healthy lifestyle habits too soon, you are a candidate for weight loss failure. Our secret at PHD to permanent weight loss really isn't a secret. You need to rid your body of all of that metabolically active fat leaving 5 to 10 pounds of unwanted fat weight is really risky. Leaving 20 to 30 pounds is a recipe for relapse that's because the leftover fat remains active and grows back again. When you have weight that you want to drop, commit to reading your body of all of that fat for a faster, much more efficient metabolism, then you can acclimate into maintenance and find balance. Remember what filled you with the dedication and desire to commit 100% to your goals. Stay excited and hold on to how good that feels and celebrate your choice to make healthy lifestyle choices for the rest of your life and simply because you want to.

Healthy living has been brought to you by PHD Weight Loss and Nutrition, visit


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