Drones, Surveys, and more news from LPEA


In this edition of #LPEAwire, get the latest on LPEA’s drone pilot project, the membership satisfaction survey, and a new resource for members with ETS units. Sponsored by La Plata Electric Association

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Hi, I'm Hillary Knox, VP of member experience at La Plata Electric Association. And this is your "LPEA Wire" for August. Heads up. You may see a little something extra in the skies over LPEA service territory this month. In August, we're launching a pilot project using drones to inspect utility lines. LPEA has nearly 2,000 miles of overhead lines in our territory, so the drones could be incredibly helpful in serving them all. If successful, this effort will help improve the safety and reliability of LPEA's operations while also cutting down on surveying costs. More details on specific locations for this pilot project are on our website at lpea.coop/construction-updates. Next up, it's survey time. To gauge member satisfaction and to better serve you in the future, LPEA's biennial membership satisfaction survey will kick off in August. More than 400 households will be selected at random to participate in either an online or a telephone survey. If you are contacted to take part in this survey, we would greatly appreciate your participation. The entire process will take less than 10 minutes and is completely confidential. We depend on your feedback to help us improve our service to you. If you're not selected, but you still want to provide feedback, you can always email us at comments@lpea.coop. Lastly, we have some good news for the more than 3,000 LPEA members who have invested in electric thermal storage or ETS units in their home. To better serve these members now and into the future, LPEA is partnering with Durango Electrical Services to provide advisory, installation, and maintenance services related to ETS units. LPEA members with ETS questions or issues are welcome to now call either us LPEA or Durango Electric for support. More details on this change are on our website at lpea.coop/ets. And that's it for this edition of "LPEA Wire". Join us next month with more from LPEA.


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