Durango Police Department plans to install automated speeding cameras within city limits. Celebrate Celtic culture with the Celtic Festival at the end of the month. And kick off spring with the Fly Fishing Festival at Duranglers and the International Fly Fishing Film Tour . By Sadie Smith. This story is sponsored by Payroll Department and Tafoya Barrett & Associates.
Durango Police Department/ City of Durango - https://co-durango.civicplus.com/224/Police
Durango Celtic Festival - https://durangocelticfestival.com/
Duranglers - https://duranglers.com/
Five Rivers Trout Unlimited - https://fiveriverstu.org/
Fly Fishing Film Tour - https://flyfilmtour.com/schedule/2025-north-american-schedule/
Payroll Department - https://payrolldept.biz/
Tafoya Barrett & Associates - https://www.tafoyabarrett.com/
The Durango Police Department will soon install automated speed enforcement cameras. The Celtic Festival is approaching, and kickoff spring with the Fly Fishing Festival at Duranglers. You're watching the Local NEWS Network, brought to you by The Payroll Department and Tafoya Barrett and Associates. I'm Sadie Smith. The Durango Police Department plans to install automated speed enforcement cameras on city roads and streets. A growing number of resident complaints about speeding drivers prompted the initiative. Police Chief, Brice Current, says the cameras will improve road safety while also serving as a deterrent to speeding within Durango City limits. Tickets issued through the automated Speed Enforcement System are treated as a civil penalty and won't be counted against your driving record. Tickets will be capped at $40, but double to $80 in school zones. The Police Department expects installation to be completed by this summer. For the first 30 days, all tickets will be issued as warnings. The 11th annual Celtic Festival will take place March 28th and 29th at the Community Concert Hall at Fort Lewis College. Celebrate Celtic culture with live music, dance performances, and workshops. This year's festival features three live bands: The Heron Valley, Old Blind Dogs, and Daimh, who will perform a blend of Celtic music. Tickets for the event may be purchased on the Durango Celtic Festival website. As spring approaches, anglers are gearing up for another season in the water. Don't miss the Spring Fly Fishing Festival at Duranglers Flies & Supplies. The event takes place April 4th at 6:30 p.m. and April 5th at 3:30 p.m, with two days full of fun, education, clinics, deals, and demos. Then be sure to catch the Fly Fishing Film Tour the evening of April 5th. For the third year in a row, Duranglers will partner with the local Five Rivers Trout Unlimited Chapter to bring the tour to Durango. There will be two shows at 5 and 8:00 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel. Tickets may be purchased on flyfilmtour.org. Learn more about these and other stories online at durangolocal.news. Thank you for watching this edition of the "Local NEWS Roundup." I'm Sadie Smith.